SIFCO, as an organization committed to performance Quality, acknowledges and accepts its statutory responsibilities, and aims to secure and maintain the health, safety and welfare of its human resource.
• We will proactively seek to prevent injury, ill health, damage and loss arising from our operations. For that matter, we are keen to carry out our services safely and efficiently to prevent injury, ill-health and to contribute to the success of the business.
• Our commitment to the above is demonstrated by the fact that:-
• We take all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of our employees whilst at work, and that of all others who may be affected by our activities;
• We provide and maintain our premises, equipment and systems of work in a safe and efficient manner;
• We ensure that this policy is understood by all concerned; and it is adhere to, throughout our facilities.
• This Policy Statement is kept up to date to reflect any changes in the nature or size of our business. To ensure this, the Policy and its effectiveness will be reviewed at least annually, and any amendments to this Policy will be communicated to all employees.