SPECLIAZED ITALIAN FOUNDATION CO. LTD., (SIFCO), recognizes the growing public concern about damage to the environment as a consequence of economic development. As a famous Engineering Firm/Contractor and as a responsible member of the business community, SIFCO believe the balance must be struck between desirable development and the protection of the environment. SIFCO intends to play it’s part by continually seeking ways to prevent pollution and minimize the effects of its office and site based activities on the environment.

To implement this policy the company will:

a) Adopt as principles the prevention of pollution and waste and the efficient use of materials and energy.

b) Keep abreast of the relevant environment legal requirements and emission
standards and to comply with them. 

c) Review its activities and determine those, which could have significant impact on the environment.

d) Set objectives and targets for the progressive reduction of significant

e) Establish a programme with timescales to meet the targets and review progress against those targets periodically.

f)  Implement an environment management planning procedure for site based activities to ensure that environmental requirements are identified and managed to the extent that they are under control of the company. Such control will be integrated with the existing management system for Quality, Safety and Health and will cover the activities carried out by our experienced Staff Members.

g) Provide the necessary awareness and training to enable staff at all levels to understand and contribute to the implementation of the policy.

h)  Maintain a policy for continuous improvement of the Environmental
      Management system and environmental performance.

i) This policy will be communicated to all employees and sub-contractors and will be available to the clients/public on request.

As the Environmental Policy Management System is an integral part of the Management process existing within SIFCO, the Administrative Director/Executive Director require the active co-operation of all members of staff (especially Branch Managers) to ensure the effective delivery of services to our valued clients.